What if suddenly a monsters turned up on your doorstep? What would you do? Monsters don’t exist, you say? Well, try telling that to Roddie. He doesn’t believe in monsters either and yet, one day, something happened, turning his world upside down and setting off an adventure beyond imagination. If you hear a knock at the door and all you see is a big box on the doorstep, watch out, you never know what’s inside. It might be a Monster-In-A-Box.
Why Juan Can't Sleep: A Mystery? (Mini-mysteries for Minors Book 5)
Buenas Noches, Planetas Dormilones | Cuentos para dormir de Lisa: Cuento para dormir para niños de 4...
Curly Wants to Count the Stars: Bedtime Story for Kids About Caterpillar. Five-minute Story for Chil...
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