Content creation is difficult. The constant need to find unique and creative things to discuss can be exhausting for any writer, but you don’t need to bang your head against the wall trying to come up with super original, ‘no one has ever thought of it before, ‘ content. Inspiration can come from a variety of different places. I’ve put together this list of resources to help you discover, as well as validate your content ideas. These resources have proven to be incredibly useful for many bloggers, as well as myself, when it comes to sparking ideas and finding strong material for quality blog posts. I’ve also put together a list of highly recommended tools to help you be a more effective content creator. Please send me a tweet at @sfboehner if you feel this list is missing anything
Free on 30th Jun 15 - 4th Jul 15
Financial Fun: Separating Myth from Truth in Hilarious Fables
Wealth Wages and Witty Wisdom: Navigating an Ever-Changing Economy
One Million Dollars Or Nothing: Not Just Another Book But A Systematic Guide To Navigating Life's Ul...
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