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Learn how to ignite the motivation in your life by learning how to overcome the issues that are stopping you from becoming successful and achieving your goals or dreams.

Why do we sabotage our own best intentions? How can we climb out of the pit of failure and and into the light of success? So what is keeping us from being the person, we know we can be?

“Learning How to Solve the Puzzle of Motivation,” identifies the issues and influences that interfere with our motivation to go after what we want the most in life–fears of failure, success, control, negative self-image, a traumatic event and attachment–and their “hidden” agenda to destroy our lives.

This book is perfect for anyone, who feels trapped or stuck in their lives but can’t seem to motivate themselves into action on doing something about it, Once a person’s motivation is activated, along with a change of mind then nothing will be held back from them. They won’t have to find success, success will find them

You’ll learn

oThe internal and external influences, we experience every day, that prevents us from being productive,

oHow to cut through motivational “barriers” that we create in our minds that affect our work and productivity.

oTo let go of our past mistakes because our past can stop us from seeing our future.

oHow to manage your emotions under stressful situation that can alter your motivation.

The author provides simple strategies and techniques that will help a person identify and overcome any issue that tries to take their attention away from their goals. A few of these methods include: setting up goals, changing the way you think, managing time, enlisting a support system, creating your own environment, and handling stress.

Free on 1st - 5th Jan 16
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