Author: Tags: , Length: Novel

Free on 15th - 16th Dec 13
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Are you ever too old to find yourself? Is the search for self a quest exclusively for the young?

George Beresford II never back-packed around Europe nor even traveled much out of state. Straight out of college, he applied himself to a life of devoted loyalty as a productive employee working as an accountant in the world of finance. Becoming a grandfather at the age of 60 and divorced with one grown up son, George has only his retirement to look forward to. Carefully scrimping and saving for his future life of expectant ease, George is about to get the shock of his life: he is let go from his employment.

When his job is outsourced to India, he is told by the company that he had toiled for for decades that his presence there is no longer required. Given little more than a thank you and the minimum severance allowed under the law, George’s retirement portfolio is in now in free fall. Thrown into a panicked tailspin, George feels that his life was just suddenly thrown off the rails and he does not know what to do to redeem it. Facing a job market heavily skewed towards youth, George finds out first hand exactly what aging means in this country today. Ignored by employers to the point of invisibility and after many embarrassing and humiliating excursions into the employment market, George takes the only job that is offered to him: he becomes a phone psychic.

What seems to be a disaster and an act of cruel fate – in the very fight for his own financial survival – George is forced to dig deep and perhaps for the first time in his adult life, to find out exactly what he is made of. It is in the very act of being forced down a path that he did not choose that George finds not just himself but the woman that has been missing from his life, all along. Had he remained where he was, he would have been too blind to see and too busy to even know that sometimes the path of comfort is not always the best path to be on.

Had he stayed true to the imagined life that he was sure he always wanted, then true love and true happiness would have passed him right by…


(?) 74K word novel


(?) BONUS CONTENT: 1st chapter of ‘Stormy Weather’ by author Dermot Davis (3500 words)

(?) BONUS CONTENT: 1st chapter of ‘Shadow Selves’ by author H. Raven Rose (4800 words)

Free on 15th - 16th Dec 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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