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Free on 1st - 5th May 17
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The story of a real demonic possession and a supernatural deliverance

NOTE: This is not a fiction book; it’s a Christian testimony; therefore, it’s written as such.

What you’re about to read in this short but powerful book, is the story of real demonic possessions that took place over the course of 15 years, and concluded with a supernatural deliverance for Rosa Amelia Estrada, a businesswoman and mother of four children. It all began in 1982, with a simple Ouija board game that progressed to the demonic possessions. There were many sleepless nights, as the demons manifested one after the other in her body; demons so strong that even 4 men couldn’t hold them down, as they fought to stay inside her. They also performed supernatural healings, and many other manifestations that don’t obey the normal laws of physics.

All these things happened in the middle of a struggle to survive a cruel war, which started a few years before the demonic oppressions. But this was no ordinary war. It was a war so evil that unspeakable tortures took place in the eyes of the world. Entire villages were massacred, and people were killed, even for simple pleasure. It was because of this war that the entire family migrated to the United States in 1984, but the one thing that nobody expected, happened. The evil spirits followed and crossed the borders to continue inflicting torment for many years to come.

This Christian testimony will give you a new perspective in your spiritual walk, and it will help you to understand what’s behind the evil nature of Satan. This book will also help you to appreciate the simple things in life. The things that we sometimes take for granted because we’re so caught up in our daily routine, but above all, this testimony was written to glorify the name of the Lord, God Almighty.

Free on 1st - 5th May 17
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