Shabtai Ziv was born in Jerusalem. He is a jurist of the
highest order who has served the state of Israel as a
military advocate, as legal advisor for the territories
of Judea and Samaria and as a brigadier general in the
military appeals court. He was the legal advisor to the
city of Jerusalem and to the Israel Security Agency (ISA).
“The book describes the positions I filled in the IDF,
the City Hall of Jerusalem, and the ISA, and includes
biographical details. The positions I filled were
interesting and even fascinating. Almost every day,
things happened that needed to be seen to or at least
commented upon.
Often events came up that distracted
me from my daily routine. Often I needed to initiate
procedures that changed the course of legal thought
in the country, and for this, I am proud, even now. And
I did it all my way.”
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