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3 Mythology Books + 2 Free Bonus Books Included!

Welcome to the Realm of Mythology!

This Mythology Bundle Contains:

History and secrets about NORSE MYTHOLOGY.

History and secrets about ANCIENT ROME

History and secrets about VIKINGS

Mythology is interesting as well as complicated.

It becomes even more intricate when the narrators and their opinions are many and do not seem to converge at some point.

This is however, one side of the picture.

Mythology can be worth considering if one follows it with concentration and an evaluative approach.

Do you know what Norse mythology is?

Are you interested in learning more about it at a beginner’s level?

Would you like to expand your horizons when it comes to your mythologies?

Are you curious about the world around you?

Would you like to know about the origins of western civilization?

Are you interested in knowing about the ancient world and what impact it has on your life?

Would You Like To Know What It Takes To Earn The Name Augustus?

This book will uncover the following main areas:

o The earliest sources of Viking mythology from the ancient times, since the creation

o The discussion of Viking Legacy as an outgrowth of Norse mythology

o A comprehensive discussion about some prominent Characters of Viking Mythology

o An account of the Myths of Thor, Odin and Loki

o Some contemporary Knowledge about Viking Myths that is helpful to understand the underlying notion of Viking mythology

o Next, you’ll read about the nine different worlds of Yggdrasil and where they are located on the Tree of Life. You’ll also figure out who lives in those worlds and who rules them.

o Then you’ll read about the gods and goddesses and how they interact with one another.

o What wouldn’t be a book on Norse mythology without an explanation of the mythical creatures of Yggdrasil and the other deities who rule there?

o Finally, you’ll learn about the end of the world as the Norse followers believed it was going to be, but I think you’ll be surprised by what they foretell as the future after the end of the world has come.

o And much more will be contained within this book

***Limited Edition***

Take Action Before Price Raises – Get Your Copy NOW!

Free on 29th - 31st Mar 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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