Author: Genre: Length: Novel

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Nalakamataki! A sci-fi mutation by Sam Roberts.

Alan Crawley sleeps by the bins outside a brave new-age call centre embarking on the most popular telemarketing campaign in history.

People treat him like a simpleton while he morphs into one of the niftiest hackers on the planet – he must compromise his health, his snot constellation and his hidden bottle of vodka to become Big Al.

What happens when the International Space Station tumbles to Earth on a path destined to cause maximum devastation to the construction industry’s flagship headquarters in Maidenhead?

Why doesn’t this website’s marketing blurb explain the meaning of life for us foolish mega fauna?

Why do only a few clever buggers understand the zero odds thing that gently illuminates a greater intelligence hidden behind the plastic dimension we humanoids call everyday life?

How is it that through this fragile pane, a modification of ideas occurs, a fermentation – and from it emerges a bubble from the primordial soup…?

And when the moon sinks, the lake people chant “Nalakamataki!”

Free on 12th Dec 16
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