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When it comes to creating a life deeply desired, you cannot trust conventional wisdom, something that will inevitably lead you astray. Worse, conventional wisdom (follow what makes you happy) is something society has created to make sure you keep running on the treadmill that is life. From advertising to preaching, the world wants you to follow what makes you feel good inside. Unfortunately, on closer inspection, this kind of living is not in your best interest, because when you keep on hunting good feelings, you will do things that are detrimental to your long-term health. What are some of these things? It’s overspending, mounting credit, consuming fatty takeaways regularly, consuming a never-ending amount of entertainment, and the worst of all, neglecting the hero’s call within; in other words, avoiding your dreams. The problem with a lot of these things? They feel GOOD. When you eat that fatty hamburger, it feels good. When you get a lot of money on credit, it feels good. When you sit at home consuming entertainment all day, every day, it feels good. But surely you are doing something right, because you’re following society’s mantra: do the things that make you feel good. The answer is no. In retrospect, if you keep doing these short-term things that might feel good in the moment, like consuming fatty food, you will pay the price later. You will wake up one morning thinking where it all went wrong.

Success and long-term fulfillment demand a healthy amount of sacrifice and unhappiness. You cannot build a life of dreams by following the herd of humanity. If you follow your neighbor’s footsteps, you will most likely be taking the road most taken, a life of comfort that ultimately leads to unhappiness, because eventually you will be asking yourself, “What if I just did that instead …”

Success requires a little bit of unhappiness because sometimes you can’t always do what you feel like doing. But a healthy amount of unhappiness is far better than living a life of sameness, where you will, in fact, feel a deep-seated, lingering unhappiness almost always. If you aspire to be the best version of yourself – or just a happier life – the ultimate way to help you on your journey is to study someone great, a person who has succeeded beyond what is humanly thought possible and a person who will remind you that a healthy amount of unhappiness is actually good for you. One such person is Napoleon Hill, a person who has inspired a legion of people to better themselves. His lessons on life are extraordinary, and there is a reason why millions across planet earth study him – because his lessons work. What follows are Napoleon’s greatest life lessons, wisdom that will, without a doubt, dramatically change your life around forever if applied. See for yourself why so many people study him. Scroll up and grab your copy today.

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Free on 22nd - 26th Aug 15
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