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Negative Calorie Diet & Smart Fat Box Set

Negative Calorie Diet: Cookbook & Guide Which Will Help You To Burn Body Fat, Lose Weight And Live Healthy

Are you on the verge of giving up on your weight loss goals? Have you tried reducing your fat intake, eating fewer carbohydrates and all the diets that call for eating fewer proteins and carbohydrates, drank a lot of water, but you don?t lose any weight? Does nothing seem to work? Well, I guess losing hope is understandable, but wait, DO NOT GIVE UP JUST YET! There is one more option, the best option in fact: The Negative Calorie Diet.
If we are to go by the facts, the Negative Calorie Diet is the fastest way to lose weight; you can lose up to 14 pounds a week when you adopt the diet! Thanks to this diet, losing weight is no longer a random dream or a hope; it is a reality for thousands of people across the globe.
In this book, you will learn more about the Negative Calorie Diet, how it works and some amazing recipes that will help you burn fat.

Smart Fat: Cookbook With Fat Meals Which Help You To Lose Weight, Get Healthy And Improve Brain Function

For many years, fat has held a bad reputation. Many blamed it for weight gain and various diseases, including stroke and heart attack. Recent research, however, shows that it does not matter that you eat fat- it matters that you eat the right kind of fat. There are many proven benefits to eating the right kinds of fat, often monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and Omega-3s. These benefits include:
?Increased satiety, meaning less hunger cravings and improved weight loss or maintenance efforts
?Decreased LDL levels, which lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke
?Improved energy levels, especially when the right fats are paired with a low-carb diet
?Better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K
?Improved brain function from encouraging the production of cell membranes in the brain
This book is filled with recipes that rely on smart fat, the fat that is going to offer all the above benefits. Whether you are eating for your health, to improve brain function, or to lose weight, best of luck with your goals!

Free on 26th - 30th Dec 17
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