
Free on 4th - 8th Jun 24
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“They” have the voice ? the stage ? the power to represent!
“They” had the right to write history favoring their beliefs!

It’s time for a collective theory of acceptance!
It’s time for “WE” to speak.
Let’s stand together.

“Never What We Wanna Say” is the voice of all! “We” is for everyone! United, we stand, envisioning the idea that the whole world is our family, where we all admire each other’s existence.

This is not a book of entertainment ? but a book of giving weight to the unheard voices!

The philosophy of life, where every emotion is valued and expressed in detail ? be it love, sadness, mental health, freedom, loss, success, guilt, or forgiveness. Life is simplified through powerful theories like the “Smile-Cry Paradox,” “Walking With Guilt,” “The Race Talk,” and the “Philosophy of Life.”

“Never What We Wanna Say” is a must-read! Written by two international bestselling authors ? Duke Lott and Mayank Gangwar from America and India, respectively ? this book represents the ideas of universal acceptance.

“We” values all!

Free on 4th - 8th Jun 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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