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Pages: 468

Time Travel Romance at its Best

Explore the Utopian World of New Atlantis in this Reduced Price Bundle

Experience the pleasure of the first three full-length novels in the New Atlantis series in one ebook. Over 165,000 words to enjoy as you explore the Utopian world of New Atlantis in the year 2330 and meet the time travelling Retrievers whose task it is to repopulate the decimated planet with people from the past.

Meet Cara, the 45 year old teacher from 2011 New York, who is offered a new love and a new life in this fabulous future world. But will she stop rocking the boat long enough to keep what she’s gained? Meet Jac, her gorgeous Retriever, who finds love for the first time in hundreds of years, but discovers he may lose it if he’s not willing to change himself and his whole world in order to keep her.

Then journey back to Sydney Australia in 1968 and meet Jane, the plain little shop assistant who jumps off a ferry to save a boy’s life and wakes up in a beautiful new body in the future. But does Julio, the bad boy Brazilian she idolizes, love her or just the body she now inhabits?

And finally, join Faith as she engineers an audacious mission to 1942 to rescue 150 children from a train heading for Belzac Death Camp in Poland. When things don’t go as planned, she find she must Retrieve Luke, a US commando, who saves her from the Nazis. But this savage warrior has no place in her peaceful world, and even love and a whole new life in the future won’t keep him from doing his duty and completing his mission.

??? Sensual Romance

For women who like their love scenes steamy yet wholly romantic

??? >>>>What People Say About This Series

‘Wonderful and entertaining.Read all three in two days. Obviously a page turner in content and enjoyed the characters immensely’ Jacqueline M. Furlo

‘If you want something to lose yourself in and just plain out enjoy, get these! You won’t be disappointed.’ MKazebee

‘I really like this series! Totally unique and touchingly, wistfully romantic. New Atlantis bundle was great because I knew I’d want to read my way immediately through the whole series!This series offers a new age way of seeing love in the future. It’s fantastical, but so appealing because of the intrigue in the new spin on science.’ DL

‘I’ve read all three of these books now & I love them. New Atlantis is a wonderful world & the visits into other times is really interesting & well researched.’Wispa

‘I’ve read 2 of the 3 in this series now and am just about to start the 3rd. These short novels are bite-size gems that build nicely on each other, although each can be read as stand alones. But I like the continuation of the story line and seeing characters in one novel then go on to play an important part in subsequent stories. This is great world building and I highly recommend this series.’ Elle

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Free on 17th - 21st Oct 13
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