An active lifestyle helps increase lifespan by an average of five years. The rate of mortality for people who exercise regularly is 35% lower than for those who exercise little.
Exercise programs directly improve brain function.
This book contains special exercises that are suitable for people over 60 years of age, distributed in a logical sequence.
-10 stretching exercises
-40 exercises for chair or standing
-20 yoga asanas
-10 exercises to improve brain function (neurofitness)
-7 breathing exercises to rejuvenate and strengthen the body as a whole.
Scientists have proven that just 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise per week can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, diabetes, and depression. If you double your exercise time, the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, and obesity also decreases.
Start regularly performing special exercises for seniors, and you will strengthen the joints of your legs and arms, raise muscle tone, improve the functioning of your heart and blood vessels, and improve brain function.
Be healthy and happy!
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