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Habits: How you can turn them into a blessing or a curse

We are all creatures of habit. Most of our habits are a result of the long years of practicing them. While it takes several years to form a habit, breaking it too takes a long time. It is difficult to break a habit because you cannot wake up one fine morning and say I’m going to do things differently today. It is neither possible to change a habit overnight nor is it simple.

Three things you need to know about a habit are:

While it is hard to let go of a bad habit, it is easy to do so in case of a good habit.Similarly, you can easily fall into a bad habit, but taking up a good habit is a tough job.Even if we know that a habit is good for us, we fail to form it because we are comfortable as such, without it and it is easier this way rather than take up the time and effort needed to build the habit.

One reason for bad habits being difficult to break is that they lie in a dormant state within us. The patterns created by the habit are etched permanently in our brain. Even after replacing the bad habit with a good one, if some old trigger makes the habit to reassert, you are again under the control of the bad habit.

Fortunately, it is possible to break the bad habits and replace them with good ones, if you know about the ways to avoid the triggers that let you take up a habit automatically. The best way to get rid of a bad habit is by replacing it with a new one. This eBook takes you through a simple but active process of understanding habits, how to retain the good ones and replace the bad ones effectively.

Grab a copy! Download it now.

Tags: habits, self-improvement, mind and body, breaking bad habits, developing good habits, habit change, life changing habits

Free on 30th Jan 17
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