Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 18th Feb 18
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To jerks, bad boys, pick-up artists, and players: This is a boring book that is terrible and won’t help you at all. It will just turn you into a nerd. You should probably skip it.

To nice guys: Don’t let this information get into the wrong hands! This is the best book by far that you will find on this subject. Even the players would die to get their hands on this information. It’s full of really useful information like . . .

* How to be a nice guy while still gaining respect
* Why “fake it till you make it” is wrong, and why it can be destructive
* The real secrets to confidence
* What’s unattractive about nice guys and how to overcome it
* How to avoid being a milquetoast without falling for the opposite extreme
* Why letting women discover your achievements can make you more attractive
* How to be yourself while also improving yourself
* Much, much more

Being a nice guy popularly believed to make it harder to be successful with women. This is absolutely false. Nice guys only look like they can’t succeed because every unsuccessful guy can just claim to be in the “nice guy” category. For many of these guys, it’s just a claim of “sour grapes”. But real nice guys can actually be more successful with women, as long as they understand the pitfalls of being a nice guy and how to avoid them.

This is the perfect book to help you do that. Instead of giving you bone-headed advice that will turn you into someone you’re not and someone you don’t believe in being (like most books in this genre), this book is a succinct guide to help you learn to be successful with women while remaining a man of kindness, generosity, respect, and integrity.

Free on 18th Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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