My new friend approached me and asked, “Me and a few others are going to a nearby bar, would you like to join us?” I said “bar”? I’m only sixteen, do you think I can get in”? The drinking age back then was eighteen. She said, ‘If you put a little makeup on and wear something really nice, I think so.’ She said I should meet her at this bar called “The Hole In The Wall” later and wait for her outside.
So I did just that. I was really nervous, this was the very first time I had gone to a bar by myself to drink and not to go there to get my father and bring him home. I put some make-up on and tried to look older, and I know my mother must have been thinking, what are you doing now? I’ve never worn makeup before, and on the way out, she asks, “Where are you going?” “Oh, just out, to meet with some friends”. “Well, don’t stay out late” was her response.
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