Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 3rd - 7th Aug 17
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As adult you will understand is not easy to (REALLY) marry or find the partner we desire without going through the gates of hell. Finding a true soul mate is beyond the instincts of love at first sight.
The biggest obstacle in getting married is how to choose the right partner. Choosing a partner is not like fixing blind date; but something done with much caution and by practically testing your choice mate. Often most adult are carried away by the physical beauty their partner possess and forget the hidden futures. Getting married in most case is not as important as living happy till death do us path.This book aimed at helping us build relationship that would stand the test of time. One question people going into marriage hardly ask themselves is; what exactly do my partner requires of me? If you know the answer, you have capture seventy percent of your partner heart.  
But if you don’t have answer to such question, you are in for a surprise possibly conflict of interest at home. Obstacles come in different sizes and shapes and have the potential to position a person for trouble. A person can find their true love, but discover him or her have a strange character, which will result into conflict. Your character is the representation of who you are. Whether you are married or single and looking for the right partner; you are provided with practical answers to check and mold your desire partner into a better person.   
One factor that makes couple’s divorce is lack of understanding, and is the result of not surrendering your rights. Augustus Michael a family and relationship counselor talks on the untold truth why many women are single and other divorce. He present facts and illustrate with true live stories why you are not faring well in your relationship. The same factors that makes people not to get marry, is responsible in causing them to divorce. There is one hundred percent grantee that if you apply the teaching in this book, something wonderful will happen in your live. 
What Makes It Good?
-It gives you insight on what influence your relationship and the role your parent’s plays.
-That you’re being single or divorced after putting much effort in your relationship may not be your fault but as result of family pattern.
.-It will teach you moral values, what men desire in their wives and how to attract responsible suitors that will love you forever.
-You will understand the factors that destroy happy homes and how to avoid them.
-It will also teach you reasons not to enter blood covenant with any person in the name of love.
-And you will learn how to close your kingdom against intruders and how not to dare your parents;it will be their pleasure to destroy you without having remorse.
-The lessons in this book will shape a person character and help parents to bring up their children upright.

Free on 3rd - 7th Aug 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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