Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Novella

Free on 25th - 28th Aug 15
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This book is not just a book but a guidebook which informs, help and instruct not only about crocheting but with specifics patterns for babies. The introduction of the book enlightens crocheting and brings out the beauty in crocheting for babies in such a way that a naïve man will find it captivating enough to explore more.

The first part is a primer into crocheting which explains not only the important equipment but also the necessary ones, followed by the different yarn types and factors to consider in selecting yarn for babies. It went further to explain how to hold the hook and yarn. It also gives a list of the basic crocheting techniques with a detailed instruction and images of how to go about it. Writing a guidebook and leaving out possible safety precautions will be a great flaw hereby bringing us to the safety precautions to put into consideration while crocheting, bringing us to the end of the first part.

The second and major part of the book consist of 26 crochet patterns one representing each alphabet of English language, focusing majorly on baby items but also including items for the nursing mother’s need.

The whole book is everything you need to become either a professional or occasional crocheter.

Here is what you will learn

(b)Tips on Yan selection for babies

(b)Safety Precautions

(b)Basic techniques to Crocheting

(b)How to make 30 beautiful items for baby or for gifting

(b)And Much, much more

This books also comes with images to best guide you during each project

Ready to buy your book!

Free on 25th - 28th Aug 15
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