Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 6th - 8th May 15
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When Daniel A. Tremaine, a 14-year old boy had an “encounter,” he soon realized it was God Himself who visited him, and changed his ordinary life into a grand adventure of the miraculous, supernatural, and impossible.

After Danny’s encounter, he begins to see in the Spirit, which enables him to minister joy, freedom, and salvation to his middle school classmates. He is also able to see that his 7th grade math teacher, Mrs. Johansen is critically ill with stomach cancer. Despite Danny’s insecurities, he finds the courage to speak with Mrs. Johansen. Mrs. Johansen permits Danny to pray for her. While Danny is praying, he is able to see in the Spirit two heavenly angels bring new body organs for Mrs. Johansen. This results in her complete healing of stage four stomach cancer. Danny has no understanding of what he is seeing in the Spirit, or what is happening to him. He begins to wonder if he is going crazy. However, the Holy Spirit begins to teach and guide Danny in the ways of the kingdom. God also begins to reveal mysteries to Danny, and even shows him a body parts room in heaven.

Nathan D. Pietsch is the book author of, Your Royal Destiny: Discovering Your Significance and Miracle Healing: Take Ownership of Divine Health. Nathan and his wife Dawn are full-time, frontline missionaries. Nathan is also a national and international preacher. Nathan and Dawn have ministered to witches, Voodoo queens, prostitutes, gang members, drug addicts, bank robbers, and demon possessed people.

Free on 6th - 8th May 15
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