“Motivation is always a blend of the practical and the emotional. This book is a perfect blend of practical and emotional factors in launching a business. It’s beautifully organized around a staircase metaphor, and I found it absolutely uplifting.” – Loretta Breuning, Ph.D., author of Habits of a Happy Brain
You’re concerned about your future. Maybe even a little scared.
“Am I doing enough to build wealth?”
“Do I control my destiny?”
“Am I building a legacy?”
Then the light bulb goes on. The answer to all your questions.
You need to start your own business.
Over 50? Start Your Business! is your step-by-step guide to build the future you want.
This book begins your journey toward your dream business.
Specifically designed for Mature Entrepreneurs. Based on solid research and proven best practices. Leading you through the process of creating and starting your dream business – even if you have no business ideas right now.
You’re over 50, and you want more. You want success on your terms. You need to be your own boss. Marking time until retirement is not an option for you. You have more to offer.
This book will show you the possibilities and how you can take advantage of them to achieve your goals.
Who am I to write this book?
Well for one, I’m 57 years old at the time this is being published.
For over 20 years I’ve been in business for myself. I learned what worked and what didn’t. But I learned the hard way. There were a lot of wrong turns, dead ends, and far too much wasted time.
Today, you have the distinct advantage of learning from my mistakes so you don’t have to repeat them. In fact, I’ve been sharing important lessons on my site, TheMaturEntrepreneur.com.
Over 50? Start Your Business! gives you the tools and the motivation to start the business of your dreams:
• Three core foundations to set you up for success
• Mindset
• Health
• Habits
• Then an easy to follow five-step process, going from zero to the start of your dream business
• Your dream business
• Meet your customer
• How you will serve
• Critical issues to consider
• Your 90-Day Action Plan
Follow the advice in this book and you could be starting your business in 12 weeks or less.
What’s stopping you from building wealth? From controlling your destiny? From leaving a legacy?
Scroll to the top and click the “Buy Now” button.
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