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The Ultimate Paleo Diet Guide and Recipes for Rapid Weight Loss and Healthy Eating!

Today only, get this Amazon bestseller for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

The Paleo Diet, also known as the Caveman Diet or Stone Age Diet, is based upon the diet that humans ate for millions of years during the Paleolithic Stone Age prior to the introduction of agriculture. The idea behind the Paleo Diet, backed by more than thirty years of scientific research, is that our ancestors became evolutionarily adapted to the foods of the Paleolithic Age, and that many of the diseases and health issues that we’ve developed during the agricultural age have been brought on because of the changes in our diet stemming from the introduction of agricultural some 10,000 years ago.

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to practice the so called Paleo diet for the best results. Without becoming much of a headache, the diet and recipe mentioned in this book will help you cut those unnecessary and unhealthy parts of your diet which might be fats or calories. Besides you can increase the intake of healthy nutrients like proteins and fibers. When both of these things happen together, you will be able to see the amazing results for yourself, which most of the other books about Paleo diets promise but are unable to deliver because of a number of reasons.

A study conducted by the Department of Medicine at the University Of California San Francisco School Of Medicine found that, after test patients had consumed a Paleo Diet for ten days, their total cholesterol dropped by 16%, their LDP cholesterol by 22% and their triglycerides by 35%. Eight out of nine showed significantly improved blood circulation and lipid metabolism. The Paleo Diet was shown to improve glucose tolerance, decrease insulin secretion and increase insulin sensitivity.

You can easily incorporate these recipes into your lifestyle, no matter how busy your schedule might be. The recipes have been chosen for their ability to help you lose weight while enjoying a wide variety of nutritious and delicious foods

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

What is Paleo Diet?The Paleo Diet MethodPaleo HistoryPaleo RecipesPractical Ways to Deal with Social PressurePaleo Diet BenefitsRecipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Desserts, and Snacks Paleo Diet for Beginners Paleo Breakfast RecipesMotivation: Changing Your MindsetsMuch, much more!

Download your copy today!

Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only $0.99!

Take Action Today for Rapid Weight Loss and Living Healthy!

Tags: Paleo for Beginners, Paleo Recipes for Beginners, Paleo Diet Plan, Paleo Diet Meal Plan, Paleo Recipes, Paleo diet, Paleo for Beginners, Paleo Cookbook, Paleo Diet Plan, Paleo meals, paleo snacks, paleo lunches, paleo smoothies, paleo desserts, paleo breakfast, paleo dinner, Paleo guide

Free on 22nd Feb 17
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