
Free on 27th - 31st Aug 15
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Are you a native English speaker? Student or retiree? Are you looking for adventure or a new challenge? Something intercultural? Why not consider taking a gap year and travel to China to teach English as a foreign language? Your dedication, enthusiasm and skills will be rewarded by impacting the future leaders in this vast country, hungry for knowledge and curious about the West. And you will have the opportunity to learn another language and you are immersed into another the culture.

This book will take you by the hand to prep you for your trip, showing you how to choose a school, from submitting your resume to acing the interview. It advises on what to take with, what to expect on arrival then deals with traveling on buses, trains and planes; from coping with culture shock to classroom management & lesson planning. It will be your guide and companion to getting to know your way around the culture, the language and the people. Confused with Confucianism? Baffled by Buddhism? You’ll find your students just as ignorant of your country with many questions to ask. So read on…

Many teachers have contributed their experiences and know-how to this book, to ensure your first encounters are rich and fulfilling. Each person is unique, and will respond differently, but I can guarantee your encounter will change your perspective forever, both in the way you see this country and in the way you will view your own. Some of the items you will discover are:

-taboos and superstitions

– mianzi (face) and guanxi (special relationships)

– negotiating (bargaining) at market stalls

– feng shui, and much more…

– Appendices include: a packing list on product availability, Size charts for shoes & clothes (USA, Europe vs. Chinese sizes) plus links to numerous teaching sites that provide advice, lessons plans and helpful tips to get you started.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next.” Let your voice be heard. Find out how. Buy the book today.

Free on 27th - 31st Aug 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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