What is reality? Can you believe what you see? These are the sorts of questions Idris Rees must find answers to, after his life is changed beyond belief, when he is given a mysterious software program by an enigmatic stranger.
Finding himself in other worlds, initially not knowing whether they were virtual or real, he struggles with the moral quandaries he finds himself facing. Overwhelmed by some of the dilemmas he encounters, he is compelled to think through more carefully, how he deals with ethical issues – even if as it appears, they only exist in his imagination.
Then there is the mysterious programmer, Emrys (the Welsh form of the Greek name Ambrosios, meaning ‘immortal’). Is he the legendary bard and wizard and has he indeed discovered the secret of living forever? Has he tasted Ambrosia – the food of the gods?
After: The Shock (AFTER post-apocalyptic series, Book 1)
The Parallel Lives of Bobby Stone
Uprising: Time Travel Adventure in Medieval Wales (Girl Across Time Book 1)
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