
Free on 29th Jul 14 - 2nd Aug 14
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Learn: 10 Habits That Can Help Your Family Life A Happier, More Connected Life Through Becoming Tighter As A Unit.

Get this hot new title today for only $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

If you are finding that you and your family are not as close as you would like you are not alone. Technology, a lack of respect for authority, longer working hours and commutes for parents and other major factors of society are making it harder and harder to maintain a close knit family unit.

Television, phones, gaming consoles and other distractions can seem too much of a barrier for some parents and children to overcome when you get home from work.

These 10 Habits can help you to Overcome Distractions and Reconnect with Your Kids

The truth is, happy families face these same problems as well. They also have cranky kids, messy houses, and money struggles, just like everyone else. But underneath it all, they have a core of contentment that sustains them through all of life’s ups and downs.

Peel back the lid of some of the key things that champions do to take them to the next level. We will be focused on what’s under the surface, on the systems and procedures that we need to implement. This book breaks down the key elements that champions share and provides a three step actionable plan that you can implement in your daily life to excel in your endeavours.

A happy family is a family that has a deep sense of meaning and purpose in their lives. When you have that, the lows feel more manageable, because you can put them into perspective — and the highs are more memorable.

This Book contains keys to building a family life that will make your man, your kids, and you truly happy.

Here Is A Preview of What You Will Learn…

  • The importance of spending time together.
  • Communication methods and games for kids.
  • How to build and celebrate new traditions and how that is important in years to come.
  • Fun ways to encourage a lack of technology at home.
  • Family meetings and important things to discuss at them.
  • Why being silly and having fun will bring you together as a unit
  • And Much, Much More!

Download your copy today for a limited time discount of only $0.99!

Tags: parenting teenagers, teenagers, parenting teen boys, parenting teen girls, parenting, teenagers parenting books, teenagers parenting, Self-Esteem, Motivation, Self-Improvement, Self-Help, Personal transformation, Personal Success, Motivation & Self-Improvement, Self-Discipline, Willpower

Free on 29th Jul 14 - 2nd Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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