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Free on 1st - 5th Feb 15
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Visiting Paris?

Do not let an amazing experience like this turn into a confusing and frustrating one! Paris can be overwhelming so remeber to take this handy e-Book with you. You’ll have fun and peace of mind on your journey knowing what the most fun things to do are in Paris, France.  

Is Paris a large city?

Paris is not a large city but it is massivley dense and populated. There are hundreds of thousands of resaraunts, attractions, museums, glorious architecture, hotels, clubs, and the list goes on. It can be difficult to decide on what to do and where to go. This guide will give you a run down of all the best places to go and even provide you with a plan to do it efficiently.

How about transportation?

Getting around in Paris can be interesting. Taxi’s and Public transportation are available, but knowing where everything is ahead of time can save you a ton of time and money.

How are the people?

Many times, people are afraid of how they will be treated by a city like Paris, with all it’s beautiful residents. Having been to this beautful land, you will be surprised what you will find out about it’s native culture and those who live there.

What will this guide do?

Here’s what you can expect

A list of desirable places to go, not like ones that are tourist traps.Different reputable bars and restaurants, without all the hype.A timeline and pre-made itenerary – if you don’t have time to make one up.

Best place in the world.

Millions of people visit Paris every year, and there is no shortage of things to do there. The city breathes and lives it’s culture and welcomes people with open arms. You must have an idea though so you are not lost and can enjoy every minute of being there!

Get the guide now and LOVE YOUR TRIP!

Free on 1st - 5th Feb 15
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