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Passive Aggressive

~ 2 in 1 Bundle ~

Discover How to Deal With Passive Aggression, Lost Happiness & Disconnection

Passive-Aggression is a very common problem that surrounds us, as we live in very stressful and difficult times, where we often don’t have any ways to cope with stress and anger, this often leads us to close up and collect our negative feelings inside, not letting them out.

Starting this at in a very early age, may worsen over the years, and end up in an empty relationship/marriage, with a lack of intimacy resulting in an unhappy, lonely and frustrated life.

Some people work so hard on hiding their true feelings and their anger, that they use all their energy to keep it locked up. They are desperately longing for a physical and emotional connection. This leads to a devastating effect to any relationship they attempt to have.

Living with a passive-aggressive person is difficult in many ways, and this book has been written to help you manage the confusion induced by a passive-aggressive relationship and to lead you to detecting this ambivalent behaviour, because this is quite an art, because the passive-aggressive person gives you the feeling that they are happy with the way things are, which they aren’t.

Coping With Passive Aggression, Robbed Intimacy & Stolen Happiness

Passive aggression is absurdly common. It’s unfair to toss the label around to anyone who acts petty, jealous or irritated. But the condition is nonetheless a real one, and if anything, its commonness makes it harder to spot in serious conditions.

This book should help you understand the truth behind the condition—the psychological trauma that comes with repressive parenting and children taken advantage of—and then follow through with how this affects couples, how it can lead to a sexless marriage, and how you can help your partner overcome it, instead of filing immediately for a divorce.

Because there are ways to work together, through open and direct communication, and, most of all, through empathy, to improve any relationship that’s not as perfect as it could be

~ Dealing With Passive Aggressive ~

How to Understand Passive-Aggression Symptoms of Passive-Aggression Behaviour of a Passive-Agressive Person How to Effectively Confront Passive-Aggression How to Respond to Passive-Aggression Passive-Aggression and Intimacy

~ Coping With Passive Aggressive ~

What Is Passive Aggression? A Psychological Analysis How We Become Passive Aggressive Dealing With a Sexless Partner How To Cope With Someone Who Is Passive Aggressive How Passive Aggression Changes We Are All Passive Aggressive

Download your copy today!

Tags: Relationships, Relationship Help, Passive-Aggression, Passive Aggressive, Passive Aggressive Marriage, Passive Aggressive Personality, Marriage Help,

Free on 5th - 9th Dec 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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