Six odd short stories from “A peek through the forest” and “A second peek through the forest.”
1) A young boy brings something disturbing to ‘show and tell’ at school.
2) A man is unsure of what is reality and what is a dream.
3) A man is hired to protect a woman against a military android.
4) A woman is kidnapped by a man claiming to be from another planet.
5) A man with extraordinary strength and agility is attacked by a robot.
6) A man awakens to find he is a zombie. He has his mental functions but he cannot speak. He can only growl and groan. His movements are stumbling like a zombie. He must try to survive in a world that routinely slaughters zombies.
The Wish Doll: A Horror Short Story
Presents for Raymond: And Other Christmas Horror Stories (Short Horror Stories)
Camp Lanier
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