Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 15th - 18th Jun 15
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Escaping the Confines of Conformity

The days of conforming to perceived societal norms are no more. You are no longer confined but have the gift of freedom to do with as you will.

As you escape the confines of conformity, many things that were seemingly impossible become possible.

Making the Impossible Possible

Possible and impossible aren’t always the strict definition of what you can and can’t do. They are also what your mind will or won’t permit. Opening the door to your mind is a harder job than many might actually realize. Learn to open your mind and unlock a new world of incredible possibilities.

Redefining the Road to Success in Your Life

Working hard, getting promotions and earning more money is no longer the key to success. Success is created through happiness. The convention of holding down that 9-5 job is not the vital ingredient we once believed.

You can live your dreams, create new possibilities and still be successful.

Learn about all this and more in this book: “Perfect Madness: Escaping The Confines Of Conformity, Making The Impossible Possible And Redefining The Road To Success In Your Life!

DOWNLOAD: Perfect Madness: Escaping The Confines Of Conformity, Making The Impossible Possible And Redefining The Road To Success In Your Life!

In Perfect Madness you will learn about:

Redefining Possible. From Normal Is For Freaks to Listen To Your Gut this chapter guides you to open your eyes and ears to what you’re really seeing and hearing as you unlock a new world of incredible possibilities.

Developing Your Future. Your future isn’t confined by conformity, limited by possibility or restricted by a false definition of success. It’s a future defined by you. Learn how to develop it fully.

Belief. You need to indulge in your passions and believe in the journey that you choose to create. If you want to reach for the stars, you can. Learn how.

Fear. It can consume you. Equally, you can dominate it. You can take back that control and manage your fear. It’s not an easy path but if you follow these lessons and learn to harness your fear and work with it, rather than against it, the possibilities you can achieve are endless.

Gratitude. Life continually throws challenges at all of us. How you deal with them is what defines you. Learn the gratitude lessons and techniques that will help you create more positive opportunities as you continue your journey.

Mindful. The pace of life is fast. It can be easy to miss the present as you dwell on the past and the future. Learn techniques to ground yourself, remember why you do what you do and truly live in the present.

Stamina. Whether you like it or not, your journey in life will continue at speed. Holding on during the roller coast ride can be tough at times. Learn how to ride the highs and use the good times to build your stamina, providing strength to battle through the lows.

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Free on 15th - 18th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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