As the big publishing companies still await the full effect of the computer revolution on their industry, at the other end of the scale the new technology has given authors an unprecedented opportunity of “going it alone” and publishing their books themselves. With the aid of digital printing and word processing programs like MS Word, it is now economically viable to do this, although for those authors reluctant to use the services of an online “print on demand” publisher, the publishing of a book, in a traditional hardback or paperback format, will still give rise to many practical problems, and the need to deal with the endless number of tasks that have traditionally attended any publishing venture. Written in diary form, this is the story of one such venture; of one book’s long journey from its inception in the author’s mind to its place on the nation’s book shop shelves. Recording personal, social and topical events too, during the period 1995 to 2010, these diaries can be read as an instructive self-publishing guide by other writers or purely as a fascinating insight into the day to day life of a contemporary English writer.
Free on 28th Nov 14 - 1st Dec 14
Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind
Whoopi: The Life And Legacy Of Whoopi Goldberg
THE TRUTH BRINGER : The Illia Ponomarenko Biography
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