The rich gets richer and the poor keeps getting poorer. This is a well known controversy that many of us are all aware of. Where do you fit in this back and forth of money politics? It really does not matter because your concern should be how can I better manage my own personal finances in order to be comfortable to lead your daily life. Inside this handbook, you will learn the secrets behind the rich and avoid making the mistakes of the poor. My name is Henry B. and I am a graduate of Baruch College with a Bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurship and Business Management. I’ve been managing my own personal finances and have achieved great success in my life. Its time I share with the world how I started and what I’ve been doing that is working. I’ve put together this handbook as a starting guide. Gain the knowledge you need in order to start making better decisions with your money. Turn those decisions into long term strategies that will lead you to have a growing net worth and secure future.
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