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In the beginning, there was NOT “A Pius Man,” but a legion of stories behind it. There were spies, and terrorists and explosions aplenty. None of the heroes had materialized from the ether.
Now, see how Sean Ryan became the man of massive property damage. See Scott “Mossad” Murphy’s entrance to Israeli Intelligence, and witness the creation of the Goyim Brigade. Watch terrorists attack New York, Boston and Bethlehem.
And exploding Christmas trees.
Can’t forget those.
Pius Tales collects all the stories of Pius Origins and Pius Holidays, with additional material, all collected here for the first time.
Stories include
One Way to Get out of Jail
Swiss Family Mafia
Tinker, Tailor, Goyim, Spy
God Hates … Superman?
Erin Go Boom
Let Freedom Ring
O Little Town of BethMayhem
Deck the Maul
Includes essays and stories found nowhere else, from the twisted mind of Declan Finn.