
Free on 2nd - 3rd Oct 14
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This is a 2-in-1 solution that creates a win/win situation for parents and kids.

Solution 1: Provides an easy way for parents to discipline children

Solution 2: Educates kids about accountability within the job, legal, and financial world

This book is part book and part kit. The book addresses common problems that parents face and ways to overcome them. The kit is a system that parents and kids use together to create a compromising win/win solution.

For Parents:

•Strengthens respect without resentment

•Transforms conflict into cooperation

•Provides structure with rules and boundaries

•Fosters encouragement instead of demands

•Implements discipline without spanking or yelling

•An on-the-spot tool to organize & manage chaos

For Children:

•A fun & easy way to learn

•Teaches money management, math & life-skills

•Teaches accountability & self-discipline

•Nurtures a sense of pride with independence

•Deflects disagreements & false sense of entitlement

•Provides a way to gain privileges

•Gives a jump start on skills needed for the real world

•Moderates unhealthy things such as the use of video games, computers, sweets, & more.

Research and studies have been done to make this system cater to a child’s and parent’s needs. It’s been tested, tweaked and rewritten many times over the last few years to narrow things almost down to a science.

According to the Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults – “74% of parents say they provide financial support to their 18-29 year old children.” This may be due to the “Entitlement Epidemic” that we’ve recently been hearing about.

This kit was created to help decrease the issue of entitlement while helping children gain responsibility for their actions without the parent feeling the need to spank or stress out.

The system is based upon the job, monetary and legal system that adults operate within today; and it’s been broken down to a child’s level. It gives hands on experience to children while teaching them about self-sufficiency, self-discipline, accountability, life-skills, money management, earning and moderation.

This toolkit provides motivation for kids to help out with household chores and to take on responsibilities independently – without paying a cash allowance.

Once you begin using this system, you can say 2 WORDS that in most situations will get your kids to cooperate almost instantly.

Everyone with kids or planning on having kids can benefit from this system. Kids love the idea of it too!

Having the knowledge of life-skills and money management are just as important as the things children learn in school because the job market and financial world is ever changing and becoming more and more competitive every day. If children don’t learn these essential life-skills now, their life and yours could be harder now, and later down the road.

Let’s arm our children with tools for success; while you gain some relief and peace of mind.

“Wow! This book has really made a difference for our 10 year old! It worked so well the neighborhood families asked if they could get a link to this program too. I love how it ties taking more responsibility with more reward.” ~ Leonidas W. Smiley

“While I am not a parent, I am a teacher, and I found great value in reading this book. I plan to recommend PLAY to the parents of my students.” ~ Erica S.

“I am really impressed with how well this system is working! As a matter of fact I am in awe! Kudos to the author of this book, you have developed an awesome kid changing system!!! Thank You! ” ~ Spencer Harp

“This is an innovative tool for parents to teach their children real-life skills and valu

Free on 2nd - 3rd Oct 14
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