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Free on 5th - 6th Jan 17
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In today’s modern world, kids are provided with tons of incredible toys and unbelievable technologies. The parents, for their part, are guaranteed to work hard and feel tired from time to time. On the surface, it seems that our kids do not need us to entertain them and are pretty good in having fun independently. They might expect a new superhero kit every week though and rely on the latest gadgets available in the intervals.
Still, if you go back in time, you will clearly see that the happiest memories of your early childhood are all about how you used to play with your parents. The question is how to create those same memories for your kids. How do we choose between repeating “Go play with your cars!” and “Why don’t you watch an episode of Peppa Pig?” or actively jumping into Superman’s clothes on the kid’s first request? How can we combine the feeling that we are good dads while not going insane?
Whether you are a full-time dad or a weekend dad, you still are the only father available for your child. Let’s be realistic and accept the fact that sometimes it does happen to us be busy, tired, or simply lazy. However, let’s be optimistic as well. We still are responsible, careful, creative, and cool dads. We should at least give us a chance.
In this guide, I have collected more than 20 unique games that both my son and I enjoy playing together. All of these games have something in common:
? require no (or very little) equipment, preparation, and effort from your side;
? are totally tech- and gadget free;
? are aimed at having fun and collecting cool memories;
? enable you to interact and play with your kids while literally lying on the couch!
What I have for you are the priceless suggestions of how to be actively engaged in playing with your kids with as little effort as possible.
As an additional bonus, I provide some gaming tips which will help you enhance the game experience and also get few minutes to catch a breath when you really need it.
All the games I suggest are suitable for kids ages 3-8.

Free on 5th - 6th Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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