Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 17th - 21st Feb 18
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There are two things you must consider when you are working for a fitter and healthier body and they are diet and exercise. This is the focus of this health and fitness course, but there are several things that makes it vastly different from other courses. It makes use of Plyometrics fitness adrenaline for optimizing results. Surely, you know what adrenaline is. It’s a hormone that provides you a boost in energy when you are confronted with a situation that needs vigorous physical action like when you brace yourself for a fight or flight. The energy produced in situations such as these are often greater than normal times. Plyometrics on other hand is known as jump training, which means that the whole fitness program is based on jumping exercises that induce your body to secrete just the right amount of adrenaline. Another important use of adrenaline is it jumpstarts the fat burning process because, of course, energy is produced from this process. Some of jump exercises that help increase adrenaline production are the box jump, explosive squats and double leg butt kicks. You do not actually need a box for the box jump, stairs will do just fine. The exercise involves jumping from the lower to the next rung. You jump to the higher rung from a squatting position and immediately after landing; you get off it and repeat the movements 8 times.

Free on 17th - 21st Feb 18
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