A book to delight inveterate porch sitters, people who enjoy relaxing and meditating on a small porch or sitting with families and friends on Victorian style verandahs, telling stories and “taking the air.” These essays by two southern women who have long extolled the virtues of porch sitting include descriptions of various porches, stories told on, or centered around, the porches of childhood and later life. The vignettes are set on porches ranging from those fronting southern homes to two international porches in Iran and Qatar, from contemporary glass porches to the porches of Acadian history. The vignettes are quaint—some humorous, some tragic—but all incite memories of good times and relaxed hours “just porch sitting.” The cover is a photograph of glasswork rendered by Karen Bourque of Churchpoint, Louisiana, and the text includes eight whimsical illustrations by Paul Schexnayder of New Iberia, Louisiana.
Free on 27th Sep 14 - 1st Oct 14
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