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Learn Portuguese In Days, Not Years!♦ ♦ Free Bonus Gift – You don’t want to MISS! ♦ ♦

Portuguese may not be considered one of the more popular languages, but it is a very widely spoken language with a native speaking population of 150 million people. That number is vast enough to warrant a place in the list of languages to know. It also means that you are more likely to at some point interact with a Portuguese native. Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to greet that person in their own tongue? This book is the perfect tool for getting the basics of Portuguese, it provides the: Why, how, when, and where to use words and phrases. It also has some very workable exercises for good practicing, and skill improvement.

The following passage is from the book: “Native Portuguese speakers are used to speaking quickly and using lots of hand gestures to help express what they are trying to say……………. It may be helpful to start out by reading material in Portuguese first to get the look and feel of the language. When you are able to start recognizing the patterns in words from their letter combinations, accents, and the way that they break into syllables, you can effectively break the language down into manageable pieces to develop your basis of understanding.” This is a very, very good tool to make use of if you want to get a solid foundation in Portuguese.

Get a firm start download this book today!♦ ♦ Free Bonus Gift Inside ♦ ♦

Free on 10th - 14th Apr 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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