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Free on 4th - 8th Oct 15
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This book, “Positive Thinking: Change your Attitude, Change Your Life” will do just what the title says, it will change your life.

This is not your run of the mill power of positive thinking book. It not only tells you about the power of positive thinking and how to utilize this to change your life, but it also explains HOW this works, how your mind works and why negative thinking can and will bring about negative consequences. 

The author draws upon real life circumstances and analogies to bring the information contained within this book to life, explaining in detail not only how or thinking can keep us from succeeding, but tells us why it works the way it works and how we can combat it to help us succeed in meeting our goals and being the person we were truly meant to be. He does this in a no-nonsense straight forward manner, encouraging us to be the best we can be by silencing those thoughts that tend to put us in this negative cycle.

In this book you will learn about:

How your mind works to realize your commands

How to train your mind to think in positive patterns

How to focus on the present and realize the only time is now

How to quiet the inner voice of negativity

How to overcome those outer voices of negativity

How to get past your past

How to focus on the present in order to meet your future goals

and a whole host of other information to help us understand ourselves, our minds and our potential for being the best we can possibly be.

I have personally read many self-help books that promise to bring the power of positive thinking to reality but have often ended up disappointed and disillusioned with the feeling that there was something I was missing, or maybe it was all just some sort of joke or hoax. This book actually helped me to realize what it was I was missing, where many of those books left me still spiraling out of control, trying to use “positive affirmations” but still failing, this book explained in detail the steps I need to take and helped me to really understand how positive thinking works. One chapter, titled “The Power of Negative Thinking” really brought it all into focus and showed me why, previously I was unable to use positive thinking as I was already bogged down with so many negative thoughts.

This book also helps you in becoming aware of your “self” to recognize how you might react to situations, then recognize the “voice” that guides you in your reaction and finally using positive affirmations to release the negative. By the time you are finished reading this book you will find yourself much more informed and equipped to do battle with negativity then you ever realized was possible. The reading is easy and informative with man illustrations and examples so that you can get a great grasp of the subject matter, regardless of your level of comprehension. I read this book to my 9 year old, just to see if he would “get it” and he actually understood the concepts just as well as I did once I finished reading it to him and immediately started putting the concepts into practice.

This is the best self-help, positive thinking book I have ever read, which is why I took the time to write this description, as a reader who has been looking for something like this for a long time. I think you will agree that this book will definitely change your attitude and change your mind and will set you on a road to success through Positive Thinking. Give it a read, and let me know what you think in the comments below.

I just want to say, if this doesn’t help you to see the potential within your own mind, nothing will. Good reading!

Free on 4th - 8th Oct 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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