In this brave and honest memoir, Renata shares her most private memories of childhood abuse and the tragic result of years addicted to pain pills that take her on a new journey of hope and healing. Renata shares her family’s hurt, pain and love as they hold on tight and help her navigate through a new diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the link between her addiction and her childhood abuse. Sharing not only her journey , Renata also tells her families struggles during the first two years of recovery as they suffer a string of tragic deaths that threaten to tear them apart.
Contributing her success to God Renata tells her story through poems,letters and flashbacks.
A reviewing and inspirational look into one woman’s fight to heal and one families fight to save one another.
Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind
THE TRUTH BRINGER : The Illia Ponomarenko Biography
Aisha (R.A.): Beyond Six
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