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Free on 12th - 13th Nov 14
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Discover More Than 50 Habits That Will Help You to Get The Most Out of Life

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle

Contrary to popular belief, success is not innate in a sense that there are only a few people destined to succeed. Successful entrepreneurs, engineers, doctors, painters, and others are also just humans—they also feel exhaustion, laziness, anxiety, etc…

But what separates a successful person from an unsuccessful one?

A lot of people think that success can only be achieved through huge action and big decisions. Right? Nope. Think about it this way: Your life consists mostly of small actions, thoughts, and decisions. And guess what? There’s often a strong correlation between unsuccessful people and their perception on small actions, thoughts, and decisions?

The answer? Habits!

Habits dictate what you can do. Habits basically engrave thoughts into your subconscious mind. Just as repetition improves memory, habits improve lifestyles.

The problem: creating new habits—especially good ones—can be particularly difficult. The brain resists changes, and since most good habits often require you to step ouf of your comfort zone, your brain will come up with all sorts of excuses and in the end you’ll stick with your routine.

The good news? Once you get through the initial roadblocks, it eventually becomes easier.

Long story short: The importance of habits can’t be stated enough, and in this book you will discover more than 50 habits that will help you to get the most out of life (let’s just call them Power Habits). Including:

Power Habits that will help you to get you in the habit of being a doer.

Power Habits that will help you to become a better person.

Power Habits that will help you to improve your health and fitness.

Power Habits that will help you to increase your productivity.

Power Habits that will help you to have a better everyday life.

Sounds good? Then click on the download button and start getting the most out of life today!

Free on 12th - 13th Nov 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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