Author: Genre: Length: Novella

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In today’s competitive business climate, it’s essential to know how to stand apart from the crowd. Regardless of what industry and niche you work with, knowing how to effectively position your message is the difference between lukewarm success and incredible success.

Power Up Your Sales; Generate Leads for High-End Sales Through Public Speaking is the perfect road map to get you from idea to making money by speaking on the stage in record time.

You’ll learn what speaking opportunities are best for your niche, how to find speaking gigs in your local, regional and national market and how to generate ample leads that turn into sales conversations.

oGain a working understanding of how to position your message through speaking in order to sell high-end products and services.
oDiscover how to generate leads in a low key, readily accepted way that will put you in a position to generate more business than you ever thought possible.
oFind out the very strategies top experts utilize to turn conversations into real revenues immediately
oDiscover the secret to delivering a presentation that creates ample visibility with your ideal market.
oLearn visibility strategies that will turn you from an unknown to a celebrity within your industry. Knowing this will cut years off your prospecting efforts.

And more importantly, learn how to use these strategies to make your presentations more powerful, dynamic and engaging.

Essentially, the most seasoned experts are those who understand the power and profit of powerful presentations to generate incredible revenues AND impact their market in a positive way.

Whether you are speaking at an industry conference, a local association meeting or creating your own self-staged events, you will be able to apply the principles you pick up in this guide to make your next presentation a roaring success!

Specifically, you’ll learn how to:

oFind audiences that want to hear your message
oDetermine the most appropriate message for the group
oMake offers from the platform that generate thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands in sales revenue
oLeverage the power of the platform to never want for solid, targeted leads…ever again

The information in this book is written from the real life experience of 20 year speaking and sales training veteran, Kathleen Gage. This is information she shares with her private, high-end clients in order that they can build a highly profitable business in the most effective, streamlined way possible so they can work with whom they want, make the kind of money they desire and build the type of lifestyle business they dream of.

Free on 16th Jun 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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