Before beginning an induction procedure the hypnotist should describe as simply as possible what he is going to do, what the subject is supposed to feel, and what is expected of him – this raises the expectancy level. The hypnotist must stress that the more attention that the subject directs to his suggestions the more successful the induction will be. Needless to say, all misconceptions regarding surrender of the will, loss of con-sciousness, inability to wake up, and revelation of secrets must be removed. Rapport can be increased by mentioning that only suggestions compatible with the subject’s wishes will be fol-lowed. It is axiomatic that induction is more successful in the presence of good rapport and motivation, particularly if relief is really desired for the subject’s complaint. Confidence is essential, since most subjects, on the basis of subliminal cues, pick up the hypnotist’s insecurities and hesitan-cies. Therefore, the hypnotist must approach every induction with the expectation of success. The experienced hypnotist is readily recognized and there cannot be even a modicum of success in the absence of the conviction of success on his part. Modern techniques seldom require challenges. Unsophisticated hypnotists generally use them as and when subjects defy the challenges the hypnotist loses face. This can be avoided by not giving the subject the impression that the suggestion will be acted upon. Rather, he should be given a wide latitude of choices to follow. All suggestions should be made on the basis of logic and common sense rather than by deception. Subjects should be controlled, not fooled.
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