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Free on 31st Jul 14 - 4th Aug 14
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Becoming pregnant can feel like you have moved to a different planet. The days and nights are upside down, you are handling lots of new equipment, and there is a puny alien yelling in a language you do not understand. In fact pregnancy is a course of rebirth for every woman since at this point she comes a full circle of life. However, it is also a new and the most pleasant experience for men who are becoming dads for the first time.

While moving to this strange new world may seem like a baffling task, you can take comfort in knowing that many have gone before you — and now they can’t imagine living anywhere else. Here is a guidebook to assist you taking preparation for this beautiful one-way journey.


Though pregnancy is a normal event, it is quite complex, involving immense physical and emotional changes in mothers as well as in the entire family’s relationships. Yet these changes are tiny compared to the miracle of development of a brand new human being from a single cell.

Though you are only expecting a bundle of joy when you are detected pregnant through a positive pregnancy test, you must acknowledge the responsibilities you are entrusted with now that you are going to have a baby. Expecting some kind of pregnancy problem is also normal. The Pregnancy Guide: the all purpose manual for first time mothers and fathers shares all you need to know regarding the beautiful journey- from pregnancy health and care, pregnancy complications, safe foods for pregnancy, and taking care of your baby, right through to birth. So, follow the guidelines to avoid letting yourself bogged down with common uncomfortable conditions to be experienced during the entire span of pregnancy.


* The book helps you getting prepared for having a baby and some foolproof symptoms to ensure your pregnancy.

* The book shares strategies that will enable you to ensure proper growth and development of your baby.

* The book also provides you knowledge to make informed choices for yourself and your unborn baby, the knowledge which is difficult to come by unless you have medical background and a lot of free time.

*Finally, the book gives you strategies that will enable you to provide safety and take care of your newborn baby.

Undoubtedly, the Pregnancy Guide: the all purpose manual for first time mothers and fathers is a model of care for all pregnant women and their partners to follow that fits the reality of pregnancy and childbirth. Unearth various options for dealing pregnancy associated problems as well as tips for taking care of yourself/your pregnant partner and your baby, and practice what really works in this sensitive period of life.

Download this invaluable guide today!

Free on 31st Jul 14 - 4th Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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