
Free on 3rd - 5th Mar 15
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We all have a creative Genius inside of us, and we all have experienced times when we have tapped into that genius, helping us in whatever problems, dillemas or questions we are facing.

But how can we tap in that genius more often? How can we be more creative and resourceful? How can we find solutions to problems that seem completely unsolvable? In this era of dramatic distraction and overload of information, how can we overcome feeling overwhelmed? And even if we find what we have to do, how can we stop procrastinating and start putting things in action? How can we build our willpower to act? Many times we think we lack the resources, when in fact what we lack of is the awareness of our resourcefulness.

In his (short) book “Problem Solving: 33 Ways to boost your Brain’s Natural Creative Ability!”, Theodore, after many years of extensive research on the brain and how we can improve it, is answering these questions and more, giving not just 33 ways, but also more problem solving techniques, skills, many activities and problem solving strategies that will really boost this innate ability when acted upon. They are all grounded in sciences (like Neuroscience, Sociology, Biology and Psychology) and personal experiments, with many references to scientific articles to research further.

Problem solving is an art. Some strategies work better for one person, while others work better for another. The more we work at it and the more you experiment, the more we will find ways that suit our way of thinking, and come naturally. Creativity is really a natural ability of our brain, and when we improve our brain’s performance, it increases as well.

Also, this book will give you ways that will let you easily face feelings of overwhelm, overloading, depression and procrastination. By acting on the things you will learn, you can keep rolling in whatever area of your life you feel stuck right now. When you remove the clutter from your head, you remove it from your outer life too, making it simpler, more fun and more satisfactory.

Theodore is backing up many chapters with more in-depth details with articles on his site, teokark.com. There are also many references and links to more articles, videos, websites, courses and other resources that will help you keep improving your problem solving skills and your overall brain performance even after you finish reading it. It will help you start taking your life to another level in all areas. It also includes activities and action steps that you can take on each chapter to experiment with and incorporate in your daily life.

Free on 3rd - 5th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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