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Productivity: Supercharge Your Life – 101 KILLER TIPS & TOOLS

The author calls this his $67,000 productivity course because it distills all he has learned in years of courses and trainings in productivity.

This book is dedicated to not just drowning you in tips and ideas, but actually giving you a system to implement in your life. Bit by bit. In a realistic way that doesn’t feel like you have to change your whole life suddenly. The purpose of this book is to not only give you the world’s greatest productivity tools and techniques, but also to give you a realistic system that you can follow to make lasting change in your life over the next 6 months. If you follow what’s laid out in this book, the author can guarantee you that in six months you will be a minimum of three times more productive than you are today. That includes, experiencing all the incredible life benefits this creates.

In Productivity you will learn:

How to build habits using the simple, yet amazingly powerful concept of ‘habit gravity and escape velocity’The immediate power of working to your energy cycles, including the secret to truly destroy distractionsHow to build up and structure your morning ritual in a realistic way that you will actually follow!How to use the finest tools and apps to support you in your work and life The three critical mistakes and areas of focus that are a secret beneath the surface of most productive people’s successesThe author’s objective is to turn you into a productivity super hero! As such, you will become a deadly weapon ready to destroy deadlines, workloads and obstacles with ease. The author acknowledges the contributions of productivity teachers such as Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Eben Pagan, Duncan Bannatyne, Tim Ferriss, JK Rowling, T. Harv Eker and others. In these pages, he will share the key points he has learned from these productivity gurus and will give you a systematic approach to implementing them in your own life.

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Then, you can begin reading Productivity: Supercharge Your Life on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.

Free on 19th - 23rd Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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