Planning is an effort to eliminate misguided future decisions.
What is the safest decision you can take in the course of executing a project? The answer’s simple: don’t do it!
But sometimes there’s no escape, so you need to know how to come out victorious. This book will guide you step-by-step through the arts and techniques applied by experiences project managers. And sometimes you’ll even be asked to employ common sense.
The word “methodology” only appears in this book once, for the purpose of demonstrating that… it won’t appear again. Well, ok: including the introduction it appears twice. But only twice.
If I had to paraphrase the Chinese proverb “May you live in interesting times”, I’d make it “May you lead a project”. There’s no need to add “interesting”, because projects are never boring. By boring I mean predictable, certain, and not surprising us with unpredictable developments. Every organization strives to make the environment in which projects are conducted a boring environment, because this means that cost and deadline forecasts are met, sales plans are fulfilled to the last dollar, quality reaches the level specified in detail by the client, and the entire team is satisfied. At the other end of the spectrum we have something that we can refer to as the “hero syndrome”, which I’ll discuss in a moment. The book you’re holding in your hands right now offers you a simple plan for managing projects. A path composed of 10 steps – 8 to be followed during the planning phase, and 2 during execution. This method is appropriate for small and medium-sized projects. It has been developed for beginning project managers, which makes simplicity its greatest asset. Successive chapters in the book explain how to apply each of the steps. Below you can find a list of those 10 steps.
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