“Public speaking” is one of the most useful yet challenging skills one must have to become successful in almost every field. Good public speaking skill helps you to share your thoughts, ideas, strategy & present yourself in front of the audience in a very positive & effective way.
“Public Speaking Skills: Steps to Become an Effective Public Speaker & to Improve Communication Skills” is written in such a way that the readers can understand each & every topic fluently in a very short period of time. Some of the salient points of this book are:
Step by step explanation of each & every concepts
Straight & simple methodology
Well structured & balanced
Healthy Frozen Dessert Recipes: Ice Pops, Slushes, Sorbet, Treats on Sticks, Frozen Yogurt, Frozen d...
Contemplations: A Different Path To The Sacred
How to Lead Like Abraham Lincoln: Leading in a Way That Drives History (The Magic of an Influencer)
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