
Free on 12th - 16th Oct 14
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No One Should Have to Suffer Abuse. What Causes Abuse and how to Prevent It In The Future

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Did you ever wonder why you had the misfortune to be in an abusive relationship? Often, people don’t understand that the course of a lifetime may be dictated by past events. The most important thing is that the relationship ends before someone gets seriously hurt. However, it doesn’t stop there.

This book covers the subject comprehensively so that the abused can understand a little more clearly about what causes abuse and how to prevent it in the future. It’s explained in very simple to understand language but goes through the ways in which people learn to behave and why. With more understanding of these characteristics, the abused is able to move on in their lives and not repeat the same action again.

Often people who are abused walk slap bang into another abusive relationship. Taking that as a given, how then are they supposed to change their futures? Well, the fact is that there are ways and very constructive ones. This isn’t about telling an abused person to run for it. It’s about telling them how to walk away safely and to build up their self-esteem so that the event never happens again in the future.

Within the chapters of the book, the reader will begin to see how presenting a persona in a specific way makes them more open to abuse in the future and may have led to abuse in the first place. Once this is understood and the exercises within the book performed, it’s possible to start again, without having to fear the same thing ever happening again.

No one should have to suffer abuse. With the aid of this book, you can move beyond it to a time where you no longer have fear. You will also be able to prevent your children from following in the vicious circle of abuse during their adulthood, and that must certainly have been worthwhile. With the information contained within the book, you can put a stop to physical abuse for now and the future.

Having an understand of why abuse happens and having learned to move beyond it, your understanding will guide you through the future. This is vital as to avoid abuse from another relationship in your life, you need to understand the things about you that need to change. Once you do, you will find that abuse stops in its tracks and a lifetime which is rich and rewarding follows.

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Tags: physical abuse, abuse romance, abuse stories, domestic abuse, relationship abuse, dysfunctional relationships, dysfunctional marriage, abusive relationship, abusive romance, abusive husband, abusive marriage, abusive boyfriend, abusive men, abusive women, domestic violence

Free on 12th - 16th Oct 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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