Seventeen-year-old Ty Scalisi falls hard for Ashi, the enigmatic, brown-eyed beauty he meets in Bhutan, where he has joined his father’s archaeology team, skipping across the globe in search of the treasure of the Knights Templar. With their team of academics, Ty and his father manage to gain access to the descendants of a select group of priestly families, closely guarding a 2000-year-old secret, not only to wealth, but to bliss, enlightenment, and the keys to unfathomable power. As Ty and the team follow the trail they are hunted down and attacked by mysterious rogues who will do anything to keep the secret hidden.
Ty’s father is convinced that Ashi can help find the treasure, so she joins them in the U.S., where Ty discovers she is really an enlightened master, with mystical abilities. As their team members get picked off one by one, Ty begins to wonder if Ashi herself holds all the secrets to finding the treasure. Dashing around the globe, confronting the Keepers of the Secrets, they find romance amidst the Illuminati’s determination to keep humanity in the dark and under their spell forever.
The Golden Horn: (Psychic Detective Mysteries #2) (The Silver Cross Psychic Detective Mysteries)
Puzzled: An adventure story filled with suspense, mystery, and fantasy - for kids ages 9-12 and teen...
The Sugar Skull
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