
Free on 5th - 9th Mar 15
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Awaken the Phoenix Bird inside You.

Rise in Your Career. Attain personal growth and development.

In a first-of-its-kind tell-all memoir on the inside working of a top Indian law firm, corporate lawyer turned author Prasenjeet Kumar, shares his experiences in as candid and no-holds-barred manner as never disclosed in this genre before.

˃˃˃ This makes “Quiet Phoenix” an invaluable, 242 pages, motivational book:

First, for all law students who have starry eyed notions of working in a corporate law firm;

Second, for those Junior Associates who have just entered the portals of their dream firm and are bewildered, for example, at the senselessly long hours they are required to clock in; and

Third, for the Managing Partners who need to see in the mirror how horrible they look and what they need to do to become human again.

˃˃˃ With extensive research and penetrating insight, this inspirational book also focuses on the “problems” of introverts who sense that:

Their extroverted colleagues are better at marketing themselves and in getting ahead in career;

They feel sick and tired of long working hours;

They don’t know how to deal with office bullies;

They are aghast at Co-workers stealing their ideas;

They can’t believe that their bosses can practice blatant favouritism;

Or that they can have a Colleague just round the corner who is willing to back stab them without any provocation.

Using everyday office incidents, experiences and politics that anyone (and not just lawyers) can immediately relate to, “Quiet Phoenix” not only inspires but makes you come with your own uniquely actionable plan.

˃˃˃ The characters used in this career change self-help book are so life-like that they will immediately remind you of someone in your office.

* You have the Senior Associate one Mr. Late Nightaholic who loves to let his juniors twiddle their thumbs the whole day and then at 06.30 pm dumps a lot of work to keep them busy the whole night.

** Then you have Ms. Senior Partner, who despite being a junior associate acts as she is the senior partner for all junior associates.

*** Next is Ms. Goof-up Queen, who is trying to be a senior associate by proving that she is the only one NOT goofing up while everyone around her is churning out sheer garbage.

**** And at the very top is the partner Mr. Blood Sucker who is where he is because he is a childhood chum of the owner of the firm.

˃˃˃ Like the legendary Phoenix bird rising from the ashes

“Quiet Phoenix” is a self-help manual specifically meant to encourage all introverts or Quiet persons to lift them up literally from the bootstraps, by constantly reminding them that introversion is NOT a handicap to be ashamed of. In fact, Introverts are supposed to have amazing powers of concentration, engaged listening, and an ability to foster deep relationships with friends and clients.

˃˃˃ Over all, “Quiet Phoenix” is an incredible career change story that

Prasenjeet Kumar shares, with wit and charm, of the journey from being a Corporate Lawyer to becoming a Full Time Author-Entrepreneur using his introversion as strength to overcome all obstacles.

What are you waiting for? Scroll up and grab a copy today.

Free on 5th - 9th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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