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A Concise and No-Fluff Guide on Ending Your Smoking Addiction

Get this Kindle Book for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Smoking brings nothing but trouble. You are not the only one who gets affected when you smoke, your loved ones and the people around you could suffer too. Smoking can also greatly affect the environment. Quitting now can help a lot in bringing improvement to your health and that of your family. One less smoker means less pollutant in the air.

Therapy is good, but it can be costly. In Quit Smoking: 10 Foolproof and Natural Ways to Quit Smoking, Crush Your Smoking Addiction you will learn how to quit smoking the natural way and why you need to try the suggested ways that can help you quit the habit. This book will teach how you can develop good habits that can effectively stir you away from your smoking habit, and other methods you can try.

The methods aim to help you stop smoking without the need to spend so much money. Understand that some of the methods might be a bit unconventional, but they can help you quit smoking for good.

You will also learn the right mindset to help you quit the habit of smoking. You will need the support of your friends and family to overcome the process with ease.

In every endeavor you will always need patience, discipline, will power or determination, courage, and a good plan to carry out everything. The initiative to quit smoking should come naturally from you.

Table of Contents

IntroductionWhy Quit Smoking?Benefits and Advantages of Quitting Smoking NowIdentify the Trigger for Your Smoking Habit and Change the HabitChange Your Mindset to Achieve Your GoalRead Chapter One Again and RememberStay MotivatedMake a Deal with a Friend Who Also SmokesTry HerbsAsk for SupportGet Physical and Practice Relaxation TechniquesSee People Who do Not Smoke and See if You Could Strike a Friendship with ThemFind a Worthwhile Hobby or InterestConclusion

Download your copy today!

Tags: smoking, stop smoking, quit smoking, quit smoking today, smoking addiction

Free on 23rd - 27th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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